24/7 Phone Services


Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:00 A.M - 5:00 PM
Sat: 9:00AM - 2:00PM

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Your perfect fertility solution is a click away!


Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need to pay before Initial Enquiry?

No, you don’t have to pay before coming in for an Initial Enquiry. It is free.

How long will the treatment take?

4-6 weeks dependent on peculiarities of the case. It may extend to 6 and 8 weeks. There’s no need for admission in the hospital.

Is it compulsory that my spouse be present at all times during my treatment?

We advise that couples should be present in every session as they would be required to go through the treatment cycle together.

Will all treatment information be kept confidential?

Yes, all treatment information will be kept confidential. We want our patients to feel secure in their treatment and in the way their information on their situation is handled.

Is there a waiting list for treatment?

There are no waiting lists at Renewed Fertility Clinic. We treat you when you and your partner feel the time is right.

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