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Mon-Fri: 8:00 A.M - 5:00 PM
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Embryo Adoption

If you are still trying to get pregnant after going through various fertility treatments, embryo donation might be a good option for you. Embryo donation is a process where an individual or couple donates some or all of their embryos to another couple to achieve pregnancy. Who uses donated embryos? Donated embryos are used when:

  • Both partners are infertile
  • The woman has no functioning ovaries due to premature menopause, surgical removal for the treatment of cancer, pelvic infections, endometriosis, and chemo/radiotherapy for cancer
  • The woman’s ovaries are resistant to stimulation by the pituitary hormone. This is called “resistant ovary syndrome”
  • The man has very poor sperm function or no sperm count at semen test(SFA)
  • Recurrent IVF failure occurs due to poor quality egg & sperm.
  • Couples have a high risk of passing on genetic disorders to their offspring.

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