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Timed Intercourse

Timed Intercourse

Timed Intercourse is one of the simplest treatment options for infertility. It is recommended in cases where no obvious cause of infertility has been discovered after a series of infertility tests. It is also used in cases where ovulation is irregular or absent. The Timed Intercourse process at Renewed Fertility Clinic involves using different methods […]

IntraUterine Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is one of the “low-tech” treatments for infertility and an option for couples who are having difficulty with getting pregnant on their own. This procedure may be a good choice for couples if the wife’s fallopian tubes are patent (no blockage) and the husband’s sperm count is adequate. With Intrauterine Insemination, sperm […]

Ovulation Induction And Follicular Tracking

At Renewed Fertility Clinic, we offer Ovulation Induction & Follicular Tracking services for women who have difficulties ovulating. This inability to ovulate is known as Anovulation and most commonly caused by PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects a woman’s hormone levels. Women with PCOS produce higher than normal […]